Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ugh. I had a crappy week. Thursday and Friday were ok but not amazing.
This morning I woke up thinking about words. I like words. I like the way a paper looks after its been covered in words. I don't have the greatest vocabulary but I like using big words correctly in a sentence. I sometimes think about reading the dictionary. It would be tedious. But I might learn lots of kool words. I read some random PSAT words from a list and liked some of them or liked what they meant. So reading a dictionary would be an even bigger list or words! I read like 5 random pages of the dictionary this morning but then got bored. I like adjetives the best I think. So I basically just rea the definitions to random adjetives. My favorite words are : surreal, dream, daydreamer, dag, and optimism. They all seem like kool happy words so maybe its a sign that I wish I was happy or something. Haha. I called this blog "In A Surreal world" just to use my favorite word in the title. And a surreal world would be like a dreamy place which fits with my other favorite words. Yeah I think you probably think I'm a loser for making a blog pot about words but whatever. WORDS ARE EVERYWHERE!!!
I like reading so it makes sense that I like words.
This morning I also listened to folk punk. Folk punk is amazing.