Sunday, March 29, 2009


Yesterday I went to the library and got the final Rainbow Boys book, Rainbow Road. I started reading it as soon as I got home and didn't take any breaks and I finished it all in one sitting. I have read every book by that author. I think his name is Alex Sanchez. So yeah.
Last night I felt happy cuz dinner was good. I always feel better when we have something good for dinner. And I listened to one of my brothers new CDs and listened to the stories and people talking at the end. Some of it was pretty kool. So yeah.
This morning I woke up really early, like 7am early. I can never sleep. I don't remember the last time I had a good night sleep. It doesn't bother me as much as it should. So anyways yesterday I remembered these random lyrics to a song but then I couldn't remember what the song was. So this morning I listened to like 5 different albums before actually finding this song. It's called "Bob and Bonnie" by Houston Calls. So yeah. Then I reread more of The Perks of being a Wallflower. What a great book. I am almost at the end again.
I thought about my Grandmother's old house some more. I remember this one party there over the summer. We set up a bad mitton net. Loosey goosey. And I remember the radio was on and "One thing" by Finger Eleven came on and me and my cousin turned it up and sang a long cuz it was our favorite song at the time. My brother and other cousin were off making that epic movie (hahhahahahaha) and then I remember later there was a random thunder storm and we freaked out cuz branches broke off trees and we ran into the basement and the lights flickered. Then the storm was over just as fast as it started. Then we walked around with cameras capturing all the tree branches in yards and in the street. Then we was this tree that crushed half a house. That was a really interesting day. I felt sorry for the person that had the crushed house but it was still a great day for me. That was one of my favorite summers.
So yeah. I tend to live in the past like that. I like telling stories about random things I've done.
So now today I'm in an optimistic mood.
Yesterday on the way to the library I randomly started thinking about laser tag. Haha. I'm not very good at laser tag but its fun.
I want to post a picture but I don't know what to post a picture of.
I'll go look throught pictures.
I couldn't find any pictures from that day. I know they exist but I'm not sure where. So no pictures today. Whenever I ever do go to my Grandmother's old house and take pictures of everything, then I might post something random.
Yesterday I went into this thrift store place and there was a bucket of old cameras. There was an old single-lens reflex camera for $5.I think it would have been kool to have but I know my Dad has one because I found it back in like September and I started looking through it and focusing and stuff. Then at one point I opened it up and discovered there was film in it. I really hope I didn't kill any amazing photos because of that. But yeah, I want a film camera. I like Polaroid cameras too. It would be nice If you could get me one :)
I want to go to a diner today. I kinda like diners sometimes.
I'm not really sure what I want to do today but hopefully I end up doing something kool that keeps my mood positive.
Maybe I'll even feel infinite.