Friday, March 6, 2009


I was feeling uncreative with this post's name...but I am happy that it's Friday :)
Today in the mail I got a book I ordered a couple says ago.
Perks of being a wallflower.
I've heard from multiple people that it's a good let's hope they're right.
I'm hitting ENTER after every sentence.
oh well.
So yeah, after I'm done with this post I'm probably gunna start reading.
I used to hate reading but then in like 7th grade I started loving it.
Now I wonder what magical book got me to love reading.
I'm thinking it might have been Becoming Chloe.
For a while that was my favoritest book ever.
It's been a while since I've read it cuz I couldn't find it at the library anymore.
So I ordered it the day I ordered wallflower.
I hope it's as great as it was the first time I read it.
My favorite book now might be this book called Life is funny.
It's about these random teens in New York.
You think it's gunna be complicated keeping them all straight but it's actually pretty simple.
And they are all connected in's kool.
I say cool and kool.
I've decided when I say kool it means something that I find interesting.
Cool is something everybody else thinks is interesting...I dunno.
My brother just told me about
It's where people mail post cards with their secret on it to this guy and he posts them on a blog.
Maybe someday I'll mail something in.
I wish my friends mailed me letters instead of emailing me.
Letters are so much kooler!
Like last week I was bored so I decided to make a list of everything I'd want in a guy.
I don't remember if I blogged about this already.
Oh well.
So yeah, its like a three and a half pages far.
I wonder if this dream guy is real.
And if so why isn't he sitting here right next to me?
Whenever I make a list of things like this or of CDs I want or whatever it makes me feel greedy...
But know theres really greedy people in the world, so I'm probably nothing compared to them.
I don't feel like explaining how I felt the night of my Grandmother's funeral.
Maybe this will help you understand:
.......aww Pictures, Images and Photos

I think Pon & Zi...
so great.
So yeah...
I'm off to read what I hope is a good book.