Sunday, May 31, 2009

Here's what I did today:

So I did pretty much nothing today.
Me and my brother went to seven eleven and got Arizonas.
Then my stomach started hurting like crazy in the parking lot!
And then I got a head ache.
And it was really hot outside.
And I felt miserable.
But I survived!
We went home after my groaning and complaining about my tummy hurting.
Then I went to sleep listening to AMERICAN DIARY.
Then I woke up an hour later and I was fine.
Then I took a shower.
Then I went on the computer.
Then I took a lot of those stupid Facebook quizzes.
Apparently I am Lilo! (Only one I posted)
And I will have an Asian baby.
And I am fun&&fabulous.
And Those were like only results I remember.
Then I went on youtube and looked up random music.
So yeah.
What a day.