Saturday, September 26, 2009


I'm in the triple digits now.
How insane is that?
The big one oh oh.
So yeah.

My job interview thing at the library. It went well I thought. They seemed impressed with the books I read over the summer.
But this morning I went to check my email.
They emailed me.
I did not get the gig.
I am not a part of TAG.
I was so sure that I would have gotten in though!
So I'm just kinda shocked that I didn't get in. It sucks. Now where am I gunna get a billion SSL hours??
What a great experience. My first job interview and I didn't even get the job.
In the email the first paragraph was about how I was one of the "very qualified submissions" but they couldn't offer me the spot in TAG. Then the rest is like other ways I can volunteer at the library blah blah blah. Try again next year.
If they don't want me now why would they want me then? But sadly, I'll probably try again next year and write the best application they've ever read. Then lie in the interview and be like "Yeah, I go to teen events at the library all the time." Blah blah blah.
I was so looking forward to the free pizza.
Anyways, I'm just pissed off. In the interview they seemed all excited like they just found a great new member. Me. But what-freaking-ever.

Yesterday at school there was a pep rally.
Will I ever see a streaker?
Stupid security guards were freaking everywhere. Whats wrong with streakers? They're just high school kids keeping a tradition alive. So what if they're naked?

Yesterday was HUG A VEGETARIAN DAY!!
I only got like five hugs but it was fine.

So yeah. I forgot this post was gunna be the 100th one. Too bad it's about not getting accepted, steaker-less pep rallys.

Whatever. I hope today is amazing. Or that I do something kool over this three day weekend.