Monday, September 7, 2009

What's on my mind at the moment?

  1. Puppies
  2. Jonny Quest
  3. Luke Pickett
Puppies because yesterday I went to my Grandmother's old house for a family gathering or whatever you wanta call it. My Aunt got two new Boston terrier puppies. ADORABLE. But they have weird names. But I took like a million picture of them! And my cousin took a picture of one of them taking a shit. Weirdo.

Jonny Quest because yesterday after a lot of people left we started talking about Jonny Quest and my other Aunt has Jonny Quest on DVD. So we watched the invisible monster episode because my aunt said she thought it was super scary when she was little. Then we watched the Terrible Turo or whatever that episode was called. The old man and his dinosaur. My cousin wanted to see it. So now I'm sure next time I talk to my cousins we'll be ilke "KILL, TURO, KILL!" Haha. Jonny Quest, what a show. In the second episode we watching Hadji was like wearing a diaper or something the whole time. Then they were riding on the Amazon Queen boat which is clearly a rip off of that movie African Queen. Then there was alligators in the water so Dr. Quest was like "Everyone grab a gun" so they all grabbed rifles to shoot the alligators. Even Jonny and Hadji. I think we all died laughing.

Luke Pickett because it's what I'm listening to. Amazing-ness.