Sunday, September 20, 2009


Guess what song I have in my head?
I am the man who will fight for your honor. I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of.
"Glory of love" NFG
So on Friday my friend had her birthday party sleepover thing. I wasn't invited and felt pretty bummed out even though I hardly ever talk to her anymore. But yeah.
That was then.
So yesterday I went to the library and was looking for books but all the books looked so boring. I hate that! Some times I go to the library and there's like 87425876809 books that look interesting. Then other times it's like 'ugh... all these sound the same.'
Finally I found Nick and Norah's infinite playlist. Yeah. It was a book before it was a movie. Then I went to look for a movie and then what was there? Nick and Norah's infinite playlist!!!
So I got the book and the movie.
I read the book last night. I liked it. But I get the feeling the movie is only loosely based on the book. I don't know.
I'll probably end up watching the movie this afternoon.
I went to Target yesterday and got TWO CDs!!!
Breathe Carolina- Hello fascination
Boys Like Girls- Love Drunk
At the moment I'm liking the Breathe Caroline more than BLG.
I joined the Breathe Carolina fan club because the CD came with this code that gives me three free months in the fan club. I also joined the Cobra Crew (Cobra Starship fan club. Hot mess came with a code so I get to be in the cobra crew for free for a year!)
I hope I get free stuff.

You know what I love?
Things that glow in the dark.
I received a glow in the dark star kit for my birthday like five years ago. That's like One hundred thirty three stars. But these stars have been sitting in their box in the bottom drawer or my dresser for years. Then last night I was just like 'Those glow in the dark stars need to go on my ceiling' So I put up like 7 just to see if they would stick. And they did!!
My missions today:
  1. Watch Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
  2. Put glow in the dark stars on my bedroom ceiling!!!
  3. My dad just told me he taped the Fall out Boy thing on TV so I will watch that today too probably
  4. Take pictures of my dog for photo2!
  5. Stop blogging for today. BYE. n_n